Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Relaunch- 2011 edition

It has been a long time. Much has happened, the world continues to turn. I think about this blog often. I work on it much less often. The world goes on anyway. As I muse about Section 148 I keep coming back to the same issue- I can't keep up with just Tigers' baseball as much as I should to do a blog justice. As much as I love the Tigers, my brain just isn't wired that way. To paraphrase one of my favorite movie lines- "(My) focus needs more focus."

So, rather than go against my own nature, I'm going to go with the flow and readjust my focus.  Well, broaden it actually.  I will hit on the things that strike my fancy, my brain or my bowels- it will depend on the day and the events of the day.  You won't see rants here (at least not in my opinion), that's not my style.  You may see some commentary, both mine and stuff I see as I bounce around the web.  You may see some funny stuff (I enjoy the weirder side of life).  You may see things that I believe are touching, poignant or worth pondering.  For certain you will find things that I have learned and thought to be revealing/ interesting.

You will continue to see Tigers' stuff.  I may comment about the day's game or something.  I will certainly link to posts from the Tigers and baseball blogs that I read regularly.  Please follow the links to those sites, I get a great deal of pleasure from them and I want others to also.

This is the relaunch post.  Opening Day is only two weeks away.  (I was amazed to find out that some people think of November 15 as "Opening Day" recently.  It just goes to show how different people can be.)  A huge earthquake and tsunami have recently struck Japan and they are desperately trying to prevent a nuclear disaster as a result.  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day (so my daughter and I are off to buy a green scarf).


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